About us
The Iowa Tree Pests website was designed to be an up-to-date source of information for Iowa, and for any person who wants to learn more about invasive tree pests. There currently are several invasive insect and disease pests on the horizon, not only of great concern for Iowa and the Midwest, but also the entire United States.
You will find inside these pages quarantine and regulatory information, photos, and a treasure trove of resources to help you identify invasive pests of statewide concern. Please feel free to look inside by clicking on the pictures and page links.
The invasive pests that you see on these pages have contributed to the loss of millions of community and rural forestland trees throughout infested areas of the United States. These pests are a very big concern for Iowa, since they have already been found in several neighboring states.
Public awareness and prevention are the most cost effective controls available when dealing with invasive organisms. Many of these pests are not native to the United States, and have a competitive advantage in the ecosystem where they become a nuisance at best, or a public and economic hazard at worse.
Since prevention is the best strategy, please contact us if you suspect any of these pests as new introductions to your Iowa communities. Your help is very much appreciated in this endeavor.
This site is maintained by the Entomology and Plant Science Bureau of the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). We work in partnership with several organizations including, but not limited to: